Monday, September 28, 2015

This picture is called: Merry go round.
It was taken in the front yard of my house and it represents patterns. As you can see, there are two girls and two boys, they both look the same and one is high and the other is low.

This one was taken in my house, its called: Table Mable.
This picture represents a good background because the dark colors of the back and the light of the cat help tie this photo together and make it look good.

This is called: Pomegranate
This was taken in my front yard, and it represents a bad background. The reason it represents a bad background is because there are a lot of thing happening in the back. When taking a photo, you dont really want a car and a basketball hoop in the background, it would look better if you had more of the tree instead.

Monday, September 21, 2015


This picture is called Window
This was taken in the front of my house 
This one goes with balance and symmetry, it goes in that one because it is balanced and the symmetry with the windows and color.

Name: Trampoline
This was taken in my backyard
This one goes with Asymmetrical, the front first trampoline pole is broken and lower than the rest.

Name: Mirror and doorway
This was taken in my house
Its symmetrical, I used the mirror to make it look symmetrical but it kind of focuse more on the mirror pole. I tried to focus it on the doors but it wouldnt work.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Color and rule of thirds.

Name: With rain comes a rainbow
I took this by my church when I was walking to work, I saw the rainbow in the dark clouds and I thought it was pretty.
This picture goes with both the rule of thirds and color, it has many colors as you can see and it also has the road, then some trees and mountains, then the sky and the rainbow.

Name: Cotton candy clouds
This was taken at Craig Ranch Park
This photo demonstrates the rule of thirds. It has the grass, then a little bit of the pond, and then it has the clouds.  

Name: Dark Lake
This was taken at Craig Ranch Park
This photo demonstrates the absence of color. As you can see, the color is more dark, the ducks arent their usual color and are black. The only real color is the sunset in the background and a little bit of it on the pond.